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Title: ქრისტიანული ტერმინოლოგიის დამკვიდრების გზები მეგრული მესაქონლეობის საკულტო ლექსიკაში
Ways Of Establishing Christian Terminology In The Megrelian Cultic Vocabulary Of Cattlebreeding
Authors: ბუკია, მანანა
Bukia, Manana
Keywords: ენათმეცნიერება;ქრისტიანული ტერმინოლოგია;მესაქონლეობა სამეგრელოში
Issue Date: 2001
Citation: ქართველური მემკვიდრეობა, ტ. 5. ქუთაისი, 2001 წ. გვ. 6773
Abstract: Ritual and cultic vocabulary of cattle breeding presents an interesting way for the establishment of Christian terminology in Megrelian. Certain part of this terminology is of the heathen origin. For instance: ghejkhvama (shrine for pigs) okhvameri chkhou (sacrifice cow). Christian religion vocabulary has its particular place in the rites and beliefs related to cattle breeding: mikamgario (St. Michael and Gabrial Archangels); Tarangiozi (archangels). Christian terminology in Megrelian is presented with Georgian affixations (sa-mgari-o „a shine for Michael and Gabriel), while the heathen vocabulary makes use of the Megrelian forms of derivation, e-g. O-kapun-e (a pig chosen: for kapunoba the ritual on Thursday before two weeks of the Lent) otsashkhure („a shrine for Iivestock“). The fact that Christian vocabulary in Megrelian is represented with the Georgian word-formulation means provide the evidence that the language of Christian worship in Megrelia (resp. in colchis), like in any other part of Georgia, was the Georgian Literary language.
Appears in Collections:მანანა ბუკია

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