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Title: Effects of Variations of the Monthly Mean Max Air Temperature on the Population Health of Kakheti Region of Georgia
Authors: Khazaradze, K.R.
Chkhitunidze, M.S.
Japaridze, N.D.
Keywords: ეკოლოგია;შრომები;Air temperature;bioclimate;health of population
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია „ეკოლოგიის თანამედროვე პრობლემები“, შრომები, ISSN 1512-1976, ტ. 7, თბილისი-თელავი, საქართველო, 26-28 სექტემბერი, 2020, გვ. 356-359
International Scientific Conference „Modern Problems of Ecology“, Proceedings, ISSN 1512-1976, v.7, Tbilisi-Telavi, Georgia, 26-28 September, 2020, pp. 356-359
Международная научная конференция „Современные проблемы экологии“,Труды, ISSN 1512-1976, т. 7, Тбилиси-Телави, Грузия, 26-28 сентября, 2020, с. 359-359
Abstract: The relationship between the mean monthly maximum air temperature in Telavi and such indices of the health of population as the total number of emergency medical calls, cases of hospitalizations, deaths and the relation of cases of hospitalizations to number of emergency medical calls, have the form of a third power polynomial. In general, in the warm months there is a decrease of the total number of emergency medical calls, cases of hospitalizations and deaths. In the hot months, there is an increase of the cases of hospitalizations, comparable to the cold months of the year. Relation of cases of hospitalizations to number of emergency medical calls in hot months is the greatest
Appears in Collections:საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია „ეკოლოგიის თანამედროვე პრობლემები” = International Conference “Modern Problems of Ecology” = Международная конференция “Современные проблемы экологии” (2020)

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